Media - newspapers, TV, radio - play important role in the latter. Here we are trying to capture all media content about research done in the MR Research centre.
CTV Edmonton, September 2017
Protecting cancer patients' hearts
Being diagnosed with breast cancer is devastating but then patients also learn about the toxic side effects
that come with treatment. Some chemotherapy drugs have proven to cause heart disease in breast cancer patients.
Amy Kirkham, a postdoctoral research fellow in the University of Alberta's Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Alberta News, December 9, 2015
Drugs prevent heart damage during breast cancer treatment, study shows
Clinical trial shows heart medications prevent damage during chemotherapy for patients with breast cancer.
Article in PDF
University of Alberta News, April 15, 2015
'Pull my finger!' say scientists who solve knuckle-cracking riddle
UAlberta research team uses MRI video to observe for the first time what happens inside joints when they crack.
Article in PDF
See the scientific PLOS ONE article.
More on story in media: |
Global News |
CTV News
University of Alberta News, October 2, 2013
Discovery could improve diagnosis, treatment of Fabry disease
A genetic condition that attacks multiple organs and usually results in fatal heart problems can be detected using a new MRI technique that was developed at the University of Alberta. The discovery of this new diagnostic tool has resulted in updated clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Fabry disease in Canada.
Article in PDF
More on story on CFRN TV:
BBC News Health: June 10, 2013
MRI detects early damage to chemotherapy child hearts
Detecting early damage to a child's heart following chemotherapy is possible using MRI scans, says a study from Canada.
Article in PDF
Global TV - Health Matters, September 5, 2012:
Innovative method being used to study female depression
A team of researchers at the University of Alberta is currently studying female depression, and they're doing it in an innovative way.
Global TV
University Hospital Foundation, 2010-2011 report:
Transforming Carre Through Research...
Using high resolution MRI and intracranial EEG images, Dr. Jeffrey Jirsch is able to pinpoint the precise areas of brain affected during an patient's epileptic seizures.
Article in PDF
University of Alberta News, December 15, 2011
MRI power to track MS
Medical researchers at the University of Alberta have discovered a new way to track the progression of multiple sclerosis by using a powerful, triple-strength MRI to assess increasing levels of iron in brain tissue. | |
GlobalTV |
MS Society Newsletter, March 2012 (page 10)
(local copy)
Science Contours, Winter 2011
Attention please
The Department of Psychology's Attention and Action Lab is led by Associate Professor
Anthony Singhal.Its primary goal is to use cognitive neuroscience techniques such as event-related brain
potentials (ERP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the nature
of human attention and action processes across different senses. It also studies the role of
emotional cues on attention and human performance.
Article in PDF
University of Alberta News, September 16, 2011
An attack on all fronts
Recently published studies by a researcher in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta demonstrate that Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease-damages neurons in parts of the brain responsible for cognition and behaviour. |
folio, University of Alberta, June 3, 2011, Volume 48 Issue 19
Experience trumps odds when it comes to gambling
Psychology researchers at the University of Alberta have found an interesting wrinkle in the decision making process people use when gambling: People confronted with risky choices respond differently when they rely on past experiences, rather than when they just focus on the odds of winning or losing.
ExpressNews, University of Alberta, May 18, 2011
University of Alberta researchers find children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders have less deep-gray brain matter
Children and youth who have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders have less deep-gray matter in their brains compared to children who don’t have the condition, according to a collaborative study by a multidisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Alberta. This difference affects the way messages are relayed in the brain.
University Hospital Foundation
Medical Research - Parkinson's Disease
Researchers Dr. Alan Wilman and Dr. Brian Buck have recently introduced a new MRI technique that is extremely sensitive to changes in iron concentration. This technique is performed on the 4.7 Tesla Magnet in the Peter S. Allen MR Research Centre at the University of Alberta Hospital. Information obtained through this study has the potential to help assess the degree of Parkinsons and the effects of therapy.
University Hospital Foundation, 2008-2009 report:
Donor Gifts: Saving and Improving Lives
Donation by Al Owen provided seed funding to leverage many millions of dollars that supported the development of the Peter S. Allen MR Research Centre. (page 20) -
Article in PDF - Page in JPG
Medical Research: Exploring New Therapies
One in 100 Albertans will develop schizophrenia in their lifetime. A multidisciplinary team of professionals has come together in a three-part study funded by the Foundation’s Team Research Grant to look for answers to this puzzling and often devastating illness. (page 22) -
Article in PDF - Page in JPG
Folio, University of Alberta, Jun. 03, 2010:
MRI staffer drawn to U of A by forces at work
Just like principles that drive the magnetic resonance imaging machine he cares for, Peter Seres says there is a certain magnetism that draws him to the University of Alberta.
Article in PDF
Globe and Mail, Jan. 29, 2010:
Motor-skill activities hold promise of rewiring children's damaged brains
The Globe and Mail article discusses research of children with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or FASD, at the University of British Columbia as well as provides Dr. Beaulieu's views on the subject.
ResearchNews AHFRM, Fall 2009:
Measuring edema
AHFMR Scholar Dr. Richard Thompson can be forgiven for being distracted. While being interviewed for this article in his office at the University of Alberta, he kept one eye on his cell phone—anxiously waiting for news from the University of Alberta Hospital. A new MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) technique developed by his research team was being used for the first time in the clinic. The patient was a premature infant suffering from a serious lung condition called pulmonary hypertension.
ResearchNews AHFRM, Fall 2009:
Understanding stroke
Just down the hall from Dr. Thompson, AHFMR Senior Scholar Dr. Christian Beaulieu is developing MRI technology to better understand the brain. One of his interests is developing sodium imaging.
ResearchNews AHFRM, Fall 2009:
COOL TOOLS: A specialized antenna
Its proper name is a radio-frequency head coil and it is used for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the human brain, but AHFMR Senior Scholar Dr. Alan Wilman calls this device "the final piece of the puzzle."
ResearchNews AHFRM, Fall 2009:
Regaining movement
In the lab of AHFMR Senior Scholar Dr. Vivian Mushahwar at the University of Alberta, it sometimes seems that the impossible might just be possible. Her team is attempting to restore the ability to stand and walk in people with spinal cord injuries—and they have done just that with animal models.
UofA ExpressNews, Sep 22, 2009:
PhD student Corey Baron wins the Vanier scholarship
Corey Baron plans to study the wiring of the human brain, and thanks to a Vanier scholarship, he's now wired for success.
THE NEW YORK TIMES (US) Dec 29, 2008:
Perceptions: With age, memories carry less emotion
Younger people, it appears, take a dimmer view of the past than their elders, and it might be because they process and retain memories differently. Researchers showed 180 pictures to 15 people in their 20s and to 15 older than 65, asking them to rate the pictures as emotionally negative, positive or neutral while their brains were monitored with functional MRI. University of Alberta professor Florin Dolcos co-authored the study. This story also appears in The Punch, Times of the Internet, UPI and RedOrbit.
UofA ExpressNews, December 15, 2008:
World-class U of A research centre named after professor emeritus
The University of Alberta's state-of-the-art magnetic resonance research facility has been named to recognize a U of A pioneer in magnetic resonance research. The centre will now be known as the Peter S. Allen MR Research Centre.
Research Ethics Office News, Sep 5, 2008:
Brain physiology of prenatal alcohol exposure uncovered
University of Alberta researchers have identified several regions of the brain that appear to be altered in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Under the leadership of Christian Beaulieu, professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, researchers in the U of A's In Vivo NMR Centre used an advanced form of magnetic resonance imaging to identify several white matter regions as well as deep gray matter areas of the brain that appear sensitive to prenatal alcohol exposure.
Global TV Edmonton - Mon, Jun 1 - Local researchers have uncovered new information about postpartum depression: click here to watch
CTV/CFRN TV Interview about PMDD (pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder, severe PMS) research of Dr. Le Melledo,
broadcasted ???:
Edmonton Journal, August 30, 2007 and UofA ExpressNews, August 31, 2007:
Researcher using MRI to study schizophrenia / Researcher scanning for clues in schizophrenia mystery
David McAllindon, from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, is investigating brain activity in people with schizophrenia to determine which areas of the brain are affected by the disorder.
UofA ExpressNews, December 12, 2005:
MRIs show differences in male, female brains
The comedians are right. The science proves it. Male and female brains really do work differently. New research from the University of Alberta shows that men and women use different parts of their brains while they perform the same tasks. The results of the research are reported this month in the journal NeuroImage.
UofA ExpressNews (News Releases), November 22, 2006:
Oilers Community Foundation backs work on improving speech of children with cerebral palsy
The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation today awarded the largest single grant in its history to support the work of a University of Alberta speech pathologist who is attempting to improve speech skills of children with cerebral palsy (CP) or in children who have experienced a traumatic brain injury early in life.
UofA ExpressNews, November 8, 2005:
Funding powers five research projects
Dr. Richard Thompson of the Department of Biomedical Engineering received $48,016 to purchase new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) hardware for cardiac imaging, with separate components for the study of adults and newborn children.
UofA ExpressNews, August 9, 2005 and ScienceDaily Aug. 13, 2005:
White matter matters in reading performance, study finds
Recent research at the University of Alberta has found a correlation between the white matter structure of children's brains and reading performance, suggesting that reading difficulties in children may have a neurological origin.
UofA ExpressNews, May 17, 2005:
Psychiatry doctoral student researches stigma of mental illness
It seems like a given that the most important part of medical research is the search for cures. But psychiatry doctoral student Brent McGrath believes that such a view of medicine is only half the picture.
UofA ExpressNews, July 29, 2004:
Study researches cause of premenstrual distress
Dr. Jean-Michel Le Melledo, a professor in the Department of Psychiatry, is studying brain chemistry of the two to five per cent of menstruating women who suffer from premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), searching for the cause of the condition.
UofA ExpressNews, July 16, 2003:
High school students go HYRS
In the basement of the University of Alberta Hospital, down long, gray-white hallways and past imposing signs declaring "Restricted Access", you can find high-school student Nick Kalogirou working diligently on a bioengineering research project. Kalogirou will spend six weeks helping a U of A research team investigate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology.
UofA ExpressNews, April 1, 2003:
New funds keep MRI research on track
Dr. Alan Wilman is one of 43 medical and health researchers sharing in more than $27.5 million in Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research personnel grants awarded across Alberta today. Wilman, a physicist, designs Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques that provide highly detailed images of blood vessels.
UofA ExpressNews, May 20, 2003:
MRI researchers hope to boost literacy
Deep in the basement of the University of Alberta Hospital, U of A researchers will be looking deep into the human brain this summer to try to discover any clues there related to reading difficulties among children.
UofA ExpressNews, May 24, 2002:
Mapping the brain
Dr. Christian Beaulieu is working on developing advanced MRI techniques for the assessment of stroke, in collaboration with neuroradiologist Dr. Derek Emery and neurologist Dr. Ashfaq Shuaib, the Director of the Division of Neurology and head of the stroke team at the University of Alberta.
UofA ExpressNews, May 13, 2002:
Summer students probe health issues
A third-year physiology student at the U of A, Gan will spend the summer learning how to operate and analyze a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine. Under the eye of his supervisor, U of A biomedical engineering professor Dr. Alan Wilman, he will try to determine which MRI techniques produce the best results for diagnosing patients.
UofA ExpressNews, January 1, 2002:
Two profs tackle anxiety
Three per cent of the population experience anxiety so crippling that it stops them in their tracks. However, knowledge of what causes these 'anxiety attacks' is increasing, and two University of Alberta professors are among the leaders in trying to solve the mystery.
UofA ExpressNews, October 1, 2001:
New magnet, big attraction
Dr. Peter Allen is the happy leader of a team of University of Alberta researchers that has brought a $4.6 million Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) system to the U of A. The new system, which operates at 4.7 Tesla, is the most powerful in Canada and among the most powerful in the world.
UofA ExpressNews, April 30, 2001:
Grad students go back to grade school
A Biology 35 class from Salisbury High School received up-close, personal attention as they toured three University of Alberta research labs Monday afternoon--and one student got even more than that.