MRI Systems
Peter S. Allen MR Research Centre is a home for two high-field full-body MRI systems,
providing a wide range of research opportunities.
All systems are equipped (besides others) with subject vital functions monitoring capabilities and audio-video and feedback setup for functional studies.
More about 3T Prisma system
Typical applications:
3T Siemens Prisma
Siemens Prisma 3T is a state-of-the art MRI developed by Siemens for clinical research. This allows for development of new advanced imaging techniques and fast application in clinical research. The system has been delivered on July 27, 2015. The Prisma has replaced the previous Siemens Sonata 1.5T system.More about 3T Prisma system
4.7T Varian
The 4.7T system is very unique; the strongest full-body system in Canada and only one of the two human systems in the world at this field stregth. It provides a good balance between taking an advantage of the high-field system while avoiding some of the downsides of the ultra-high field systems.Typical applications:
- high resolution brain imaging
- functional imaging (fMRI)
- brain spectroscopy
- vascular imaging
- sodium brain imaging
- knee imaging - sodium and proton
- neuroolgy (stroke, MS, ALS)
- psychiatry (mood disorders, schizophrenia)
- knee